Journey to Esquire®️

Find joy in the journey to esquire!

We’re looking for Sponsors!



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Working together with local ​law schools to provide ​emotional and financial ​support services for students.

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Joseline Jean-Louis Hardrick

Founder & Executive Director

Diversity Access Pipeline, Inc.

Message from ​our Founder

I almost gave up.

I almost walked completely away from the practice of law.

I had such a bad experience; everywhere I went, I was ​getting yelled at, undermined, and treated as though I did ​not matter. And I worked 7 days a week to try to make ​things work.

I thought I was broken. Then I finally got a wake-up call ​and realized that the system I was in was broken, not me.

So now that I am on the other side, I make it my business to ​help law students, lawyers, and others protect their peace, ​engage in constant self-care,

and take breaks before they have a breakdown while ​building a career in the law that they love!

That’s why I created Journey to Esquire.®️

Will you join us?

Our Board of Directors

Brielle Bell, Esq.


Kim Lopater, Esq.


Wood alphabet letter in word TBD (Abbreviation of to be defined, discussed, determined, decided, deleted or declared) on green grass background



Our History

Founding Year

we started with a group ​of 6 students, some ​volunteers and a small ​$1500 grant.

Year 3

The pandemic year, we ​went compeltely online.

Year 5

We celebrated our Fifth ​Anniversary with our ​first major fundraising ​event.


We’ve expanded to five ​law schools in Florida and ​are looking to achieve ​grant funding.

Who We Serve

First-​Generation ​College + Law

Disabled + ​Differently-​Abled


Underrepresent​ed Minorites



Our business is creating ​lawyers who lead, mentor, ​and inspire one student at ​a time.

Reaching ​students across ​Florida law ​schools

50 US States Map Icon Florida

We work with students and ​lawyers throughout Florida but ​operate out of Tampa, Florida .

Key Figures


Scholarship Dollars ​Awarded

The students get cash scholarships ​to assist with the costs of bar exam ​prep, which is well over $5,000 now.



in awards

We started with granting $1,000 in ​2019, but have since increased the ​scholarship awards to $2,500.

60+ Students ​Served

Briefly elaborate on what

you want to discuss.



Expanding our horizon

We’ve worked with several organizations and law ​firms as sponsors of the organization. Two stand ​out: the St. Petersburg Bar Association ​(represented by Executive Director Melissa Byers) ​and Bush Ross, P.A. (winners of our partner award ​in 2023).

Our more recent partners include

  • Lisa Blasser and the Law School Success ​Institue out of California, who offer tutoring and ​other services to law students;
  • Joseph Law PLLC, a solo small firm with a big ​heart and
  • Hill Ward Henderson., a local Tampa firm ​committed to our mission.

Partner ​Highlights

Expanding our reach

We’ve worked with several individuals and ​organizations who partner with us to provide ​mentoring, resources, and access.

Our notable partners include

  • Helix Bar Review by AccesLex is the newest ​bar prep company that offers its services at ​cost, making it one of the most affordable and ​data-driven bar preps around.
  • Hillsborough County Bar Association partnered ​with us to do the Read to Dream Program;
  • Judge Michael Bagge-Hernandez, Florida’s ​13th Judicial Circuit, has mentoread several of ​our students over the years.

Sponsorship Levels

Sponsor Icon Style

1L - $1,000

Recognition on Journey ​to Esquire website

Social media shout-out

Logo displayed on ​sponsor section of ​website

Complimentary ticket to ​one Journey to Esquire ​event

Invitation to exclusive ​networking events

Sponsor Icon Style

2L - $2,000

Everything in 1L +

Featured profile on ​website

Additional social media ​shout-out with featured ​post

Complimentary access to ​1 Continuing Legal ​Education (CLE) sessions

2 Drink tickets for ​employees at happy hour ​fundraiser

Sponsor Icon Style
Sponsor Icon Style

3L - $3,000

Everything in 2L+

Speaking opportunity at ​one virtual event

Logo displayed on all ​event marketing ​materials

Complimentary access to ​1CLE sessions

3 Drink tickets for ​employees at happy hour ​fundraiser

Highlight in Journey to ​Esquire newsletter

*JD - $5,000

Everything in 3L+

Speaking opportunity at ​one live event

Logo displayed ​prominently on event ​banners and materials

Full-page ad in event ​programs

Complimentary access to ​2 CLE sessions

Special feature article on ​Journey to Esquire blog

Sponsor Icon Style

*Esquire - $7,500

Everything in JD+

Keynote speaking ​opportunity at a major ​event

Prominent logo ​placement on Journey to ​Esquire website ​homepage

Complimentary access to ​all CLE sessions

Opportunity to host a ​dedicated workshop or ​seminar

Recognition as a top ​sponsor in all press ​releases

*Includes a bonus -free website optimization service from The Plugs Digital Media!

Sponsor Icon Style

*LLM - $10,000

Everything in Esquire+

Naming rights for a ​signature event or ​program

Exclusive profile and ​interview on Journey to ​Esquire media channels

Customized sponsorship ​package tailored to your ​company's goals

Dedicated email blast to ​Journey to Esquire ​subscribers

VIP access and reserved ​seating at all Journey to ​Esquire events

Opportunity to establish a ​scholarship or grant in ​your company's name

Sponsor Investment Icon Vector
Sponsor Investment Icon Vector
Sponsor Investment Icon Vector

Bonus for Top Tier Sponsors

Want a Second Look at Your Website?

JD Package: Foundational support for enhancing your social media presence. It includes a Social Media Analysis ​and SEO Optimization Tips, which are basic yet essential guidelines to improve your website’s visibility on search ​engines. To kickstart your enhanced social media strategy, the package also includes the creation of one ​professionally designed social media post tailored for the platform of your choice.

Esquire Package: JD+ an elevated level of service: SEO Optimization Blueprint, access to a 1-hour Brand ​Strategy Session.

LLM Package: Esquire+ Full SEO Optimization and a Brand Strategy Session, Video Content creation. A ​professionally crafted "highlight" reel will be produced to showcase your company, adding a dynamic and ​engaging element to your online presence.

Commitments ​for next year

A Folder on a Desk with the Label Grants

Expand our funding ​opportunites

We’re looking to enter the grant world and ​are looking for grant writers to partner with.

Recruit students from Ave ​Maria Law School

We’ve added a new law school from which ​we recruit.

September 16, 2020 Russia, Novosibirsk: Rear View of a Woman Sitting at a Computer with the YouTube Logo on the Monitor.

Update our Website and ​YouTube Offerings

We are running Google ads and updating ​ur website and social media presence.

business annual report





Social Network Online Sharing Connection Concept

Contact ​Information

PO Box 173044

Tampa, FL 33674

Telephone: 813-906-6361

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